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The Future of Taxes

The Club of Amsterdam is an independent, international, future-oriented think tank involved in channeling preferred futures. It involves those who dare to think out of the box and those who don’t just talk about the future but actively participate in shaping outcomes.

Taxes, making the world a better or worse place?
Taxes are of all times and of all societies. Therefore no society can be without, at the same time the architecture is man made, based on paradigms.

  • Are taxes fair?
  • What are the systems we use to create wealth and (re)distribute wealth and welfare?
  • Are the human basic principles of fairness of all times or changing?


  • Frank Herreveld, Partner Tax Controversy and Litigation, Deloitte, Chairman Tax Controversy Management Group
  • Iskander Smit, strategy director, Info.nl and head of info.nl/labs
  • Annegien Blokpoel, CEO, PerspeXo & Carla Hoekendijk, Consultant, New Media and Game Theorist