The IR Masterclass 2,5 day course tackles the main issues of
the investor relation function in listed companies.
Lecturers are experienced IR Directors and capital market
experts who will share their insights on best practices. After
this 2,5 day course participants will have in-depth insight into
effective investor relations and a clear understanding of the
nature of being a listed company, as seen from the capital
markets’ perspective.
Speakers and topics:
- “Regulatory aspects of listed companies and their
shareholders” (Paul-Willem van Gerwen, Head Securities
Markets AFM) - “IR and shareholders: Private equity, IPO and M&A” (Wouter
van de Putte, Director Treasury & Investor Relations Ziggo) - “IR, External & Internal management” (Jurgen Pullens,
Director Investor Relations Nutreco) - “Capital markets: the players & the rules” (Annegien
Blokpoel, Director PerspeXo)