Club of Amsterdam, Global Entrepreneurship week: the future of Values in Business
Overall program:
- Giuseppe Bruni, IBM Global CEO Study 2008 Program Director, Business Strategy Consultant
“CEO Study 2008 Small and Medium Business Point of View” - Annegien Blokpoel, founder and managing director, PerspeXo
“Improve the value of your company” - Nicolas Hardinghaus, President and CEO, Hansa Real Consultants, C.A.
“Strategies for Growth”
Presentation Annegien Blokpoel, managing director PerspeXo and author “Maak je bedrijf meer waard”
- Why do 80% of enterprise owners not know what the value of their company is?
- Why do more than 85% of these companies have less than 10 employees?
There are more than 20 million companies in Europe, and less than 2% have more than 1.000 employees. A major challenge for European SME’s is therefore to overcome the “growth challenges” and their own personal and managerial pitfalls. To overcome – in a well risk managed way – the transformation moments is of key essence for growing on the business life cycle.
In order to find out what the major challenges are, and how they could be overcome, Annegien interviewed 20 entrepreneurs and their advisers/capital providers (accountants, private equity and bankers) in the Netherlands. In her presentation she will share her know how as strategic adviser and apply the outcome of the research to practical ways of dealing with the challenges for SME’s.
This program is part of the Global Entrepreneurship week. The presentation will be in English.