In an ever-changing environment, quick and effective interaction between different areas of expertise is of the essence. Mobilizing and managing collective know-how within an enterprise is a key way to stay on top of new developments.
Key questions:
- How should a company be managed today and in the future?
- How do we best leverage our knowledge-worker capital?
- How can we improve our company’s IQ?
- How can holistic management enable innovation and profitability?
With some excellent speakers from the field:
- Huib Wursten, Senior Partner, ITIM International
“Holistic management & 6 different perspectives on organisations” - Carin ten Hage, Programme Director, Planet Me / TNT “Mobilsing networks”
- Hardy F. Schloer, President and Managing Director, Schloer Consulting Group “Horizontal vs Vertical – Innovation Management in the 21st Century”
- Moderated by Annegien Blokpoel, CEO, PerspeXo
- Welcome by Udo de Haes. flamenco guitar
The Breakfast Cub is an initiative of the Club of Amsterdam and brings together decision makers – CxO – from industry leaders and policy makers. The purpose is to facilitate high-level exchange of thoughts and ideas by crossing: Sectors – Disciplines – Mind Sets. The Breakfast Cub events are designed for 20-30 delegates. Participants will benefit from the intimate exchange of ideas by staying ahead of competition and a clearer focus on core competencies. Membership is on invitation only. For more information, please contact Felix Bopp at the Club of Amsterdam.